Unveiling the Next Era of Artificial Intelligence...

Discover The World's First
"AI Appointment Engine"
To Skyrocket Any Local Business

Start An Immensely Profitable Service Local Business Owners Crave Today!

Easiest Way to Book Appointments - Just Talk To AI

Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!


Prepare to Embrace a Revolutionary Technological Breakthrough

Collect Easy Paychecks Helping Local Businesses Triple Their Bookings!

How Would you like to know a simple, profitable service that local biz owners will happily pay you just 5 minutes of your time?

Then listen carefully because I’m going to show you how to solve one of the biggest problems every local biz owner has right now… booking new appointments.

Did you know that 97% of local business owners are losing thousands of dollars and hundreds of customers every month because of their outdated booking systems?

Outdated booking systems are killing local biz owners every day… now you can step in, fix the problem fast and walk away with a huge bag of cash for just minutes of your time!


Current Appointment Systems Are Broken...

You’ve Probably Seen It Yourself…

You visit a local dentist’s website. There’s a big old telephone number at the top of the screen. But you’re at work and can’t make the call. Or you’re in a busy cafe, where you can’t hear.

Or maybe it’s late at night and the business is closed (55% of local bookings are taken in the evening…)

Or maybe you’re just in a rush and don’t want to speak to anyone. So what do you do? You close the page and go to the next search result!

Even if you DO decide to call the business, you’re often put on hold, or sent to an answer machine!

Biz owners are paying thousands per month to call centers...

... to take bookings and it’s not working out!

And let’s face it

Nobody likes dealing with a call center when you just want to speak to the local biz directly, right?

Which is why call centers are costing local biz owners thousands in lost appointments… so they need a solution fast.


Contact Forms Don’t Work In 2023!

Customers have to think of what to say, wait for an email response, then go back and forth with the secretary via email before actually making a booking.

And after all this?

Customers forget to show up!

This results in heavy losses for the local biz owner.

Lets look at One Niche - Medical

In the US alone, $150 billion per year is estimated as the annual loss from missed appointments in medical Niche only.

Now think about the ENTIRE Local Businesses!


With AppointBee AI, you can solve all these problems in 5 minutes flat!

and get paid hundreds of dollars in return!

By offering local biz owners a AI Powered, Fully Optimized, Hands-Free AI Apppointment Booking System.

Simply Deploy it on any Website and Start Collecting Appointment as easy as chatting with a real human

Now you have the power to double any Local Business Bookings and Clients Almost Overnight!



Instantly upgrade any local biz owner’s booking system, double their appointments and remove all the headaches that have been losing them customers and costing them thousands per week

for a fraction of the cost they have to pay elsewhere!


AppointBee AI Does All The
Heavy Lifting For You


AI Books Appointment For You

Customers can book an appointment online, any time of day by Simply chatting with AppointBee AI.

AppointBee AI Ask Relevant Questions such as Service they are looking for, Time and Place and other Important Things...

Based on Customer answers, AI Books Appointment for the Customers.

AI Tracks Time For You

AppointBee keeps track of available times and removes all the back and forth emails and phone calls for the biz owner.


AI Sends SMS & Email Reminders For You

Sends email and SMS reminders to the customers so they never miss an appointment!

AI Accepts Payments For You

Allows customers to pay for the service when they book (which biz owners LOVE!)


Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!


Watch Powerful Software Demo of AppointBee AI

Use Coupon 'AIBEE' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!


Start Getting Appointments
On Any Website, Landing Page or CMS In Just 3 Simple Steps!

Step #1 - Login & Setup AppointBee AI For Your Business

Login To AppointBee AI and Do Your Business Settings such as Setup Services, Staff, Timings, etc. So AI Can be ready to work for you while you run your business or sleep


Step 2 - Deploy AppointBee AI On Your Website/Pages

Copy Simple Embed Code from the AppointBee AI Dashboard and embed the AI Chat anywhere you like, such as Landing Page, Website, CMS Pages, etc.


Step #3 - AppointBee AI Starts Generating Appointments

Done, Start Collecting Leads Using AI. People Talk To AI via Chat, AI Helps them out setup Appointments on one of the available slots.


Discover Powerful Features of AppointBee AI Below

AI Prevents Double Bookings

AppointBee AI has built-in technology to prevent double bookings.

If another customer has already booked an appointment, the AppointBee AI will let them know and suggest another slot that’s available!


Setup Office Working Hours

Set up your or your client’s holidays, days off, lunchtimes and meetings.

So the AppointBee AI can only take bookings only when you or your client's are available.


AI Accepts Payment Upfront

Unlike regular booking systems, AppointBee AI allows you or your clients to accept payments upfront at the time of booking!

Local businesses love this feature because they get paid upfront and this reduces “no shows” by over 30%


Google Calendar Integration

Tap a button to instantly sync your or your client’s Google calendar into AppointBee AI

Allowing you or your clients to see all of the appointments in one place, including ones booked separately in their Google calendar alongside bookings created by AppointBee AI!


AI Sends Automatic Email & SMS Reminders

AI Automatically sends Email and SMS Notifications to people who have booked appointments so that appointments are not missed

Reduce no shows and bring more customers to your client on autopilot!

Results in More Revenue for Your and Client's Business


Simple Yet Detailed Client Dashboard

You and Your clients will have an easy bird’s eye view of their appointment calendar to help them stay organized.

Based on Customer answers, AI Books Appointment for the Customers.


Build Your Client's Email List

Capture emails during the booking process, so that you or the biz owner can follow up with more offers in the future.

You can even offer them a done-for-you email marketing service to collect big paychecks every month!


Multiple Users For Each Business

Most biz owners will have multiple people who take bookings (dentists, doctors, chiropractors, roofers, etc.)

With AppointBee you can give each member of the team their own appointment system under one “umbrella” system for that company.


Extremely Easy To Set Up

Just point and click and you’ll have the entire system set up for your Business or Your first client in minutes from now.

We provide step by step instructions and it’s designed for complete beginners to use without any steep learning curves or special skills.


Export Appointments Data Easily

You and Your clients can easily export appointment details and statistics for offline references and analysis.

Export in Excel format easily with one click.


what you have seen is not enough

Unlock Groundbreaking Features At Zero cost


Appointments Made Easy

Managing appointments has never been easier for you or your clients. See available slots, bookings made, dates and times, all in a simple dashboard.

For potential customers, it’s easy too. The booking form is clean, easy to use and works perfectly on mobile.


Mobile Optimized

AppointBee works perfectly on all devices and screen sizes, so your client will never lose a booking because of a badly designed form that’s hard to fill out.

Customers can book appointments from their mobile devices in a few simple taps, without squinting, pinching or zooming their screens!


Built-In Blogging

Use this to provide additional info about their products and services, boost appointment bookings and even attract free traffic from Google.

Display images in the sleek slider section integrated into the theme to draw people’s attention, build trust and give blog a professional look and feel.


Advanced Sales Reporting

Allow your team or client to view recent transactions, pending and future appointments, customer details and amount paid, in one simple screen.

Simple and easy to navigate reports section


Add & Showcase Multiple Services

Add Multiple Services inside AppointBee AI System

Show visitors which services are available, right inside a beautiful booking system that works perfectly on every device!


Extensive Appointment Settings

Quiz takers can share their results on Social sites, helping your quiz go viral overnight!

You can also share the overall quiz results to your social media too, helping you explode your traffic for free.


5 Types of Embed Available

Embed AppointBee AI Using 5 Types of Embed Anywhere - Inline, Popup, Bottom Right Floating, Right Bottom AI Chat and Let Bottom AI Chat

Embed on Website, Landing Pages, CMS, LMS, literally anywhere you want


Generate Leads

AppointBee AI Also works as a Lead Generation Machine. Choose whether you want to Put generated appointments as a Lead

Connect to your favourite autoresponder and push leads seamlessely


Paypal Integration To Accept Payments

Integrate your Business or Personal Paypal into AppointBee AI

and Enable AI settings to accet Payment upgront, So End Customers will Pay while Booking Appointments

Switch Paypal Anytime you want

Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!


Generating Appointments Using AI Was Not Possible Until Today...

Rise Above Your Limits And Uncover New AI Potential...

Other Similar Apps






Monthly Payment : $50+/month


AI Appointment Generator

AI Duplicate Booking Checker

AI Accepts Payment Upfront

Google Calendar Integration

AI Email And SMS Reminders

Build Your & Client's Email List

Multiple Users/Staff For Each Client

Fully Mobile-Optimized

Simple Yet Powerful Sales Reporting

One-Time Payment : $27 Only

AppointBee is Used and trusted by over a 1200+ businesses.

Join over a thousand plus business owners that use and trust AppointBee for their appointment booking needs.

1200+ Customers

100% Satisfaction



Local Biz Owners Will Love You For Recommending AppointBee AI!

Because With AppointBee AI, You Will...


Double Appointments For Their Business


Help Stop Leaking Traffic On Their Site


Saving Their Time Avoiding Unnecessory Calls


Help Get More Customers Than Before


Increase Show Up Rate Of Their Customers

if you are an agency or have local clients?

Simply Use this 'AI Appointment Booking System' for Your customers

Totally untapped service
AI does Everything
Perfect to sell as an upsell
No need to hire freelancers
No other software needed
Setup in just 5 minutes
No hidden costs
Perfect for Local Businesses
No tech skills or experience needed

Time To Show You Some Facts

70%+ Businesses Still Using Phone No's For Bookings On Their Site

They are loosing Business, and they don’t even know. Check Screenshots Below -

Not Only that - 40% of Appointments Are Booked After Office Hours This is real problem to solve in 2023.

This is where you step in and save the day…


You can become a local superhero by setting up an OPTIMIZED Booking System for local biz owners
in 5 minutes flat!

With AppointBee, you can set up a simple, high converting booking system for any local business in minutes, helping them...

And the best part?

With AppointBee AI, you can set up their new booking system in just 5 minutes while collecting paychecks for your time!

Or why not charge a monthly fee for the booking system instead, bringing you a sweet passive paycheck in the mail every single month!


Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!


Worried About How to get clients To Sell AppointBee AI Services? Just Follow Steps Below…

Step #1

Do a quick Google search for a dentist in your local area.

Step #2

Visit the top 5-7 websites and see which ones only have phone numbers or outdated “contact us” forms.

Step #3

Reach out with a simple email that explains the problem and asks them if they want to make more appointments by allowing visitors to book directly from their website (don’t pitch your service yet, wait for them to respond first.)

Step #4

When they respond, send a follow up email that explains the service you’re offering in a few short paragraphs. Ask them if they’re still interested and wait for a reply.

Step #5

Once they reply YES, tell them the fee, collect the cash, deploy the AppointBee software, then rinse and repeat with the next biz owner on your list!


All Types of Local Businesses Can Massively Benefit From AppointBee AI


Grow Your Business with AI, Get your clients questions answered via AI

Course Creators

Get More Signups for your online courses, Increase your revenue starting today!

Real Estate

Get More Leads, Get More site visits, Enquiries. Let AI handle it!

Marketing Agencies

Get More Agency Customers, Showcase all your services with help of AI!

Professional Services

Get More Discussions via AI, Get more customers as a result!


Answer questions using AI, Convert potential leads into meetings.


Get More meetings scheduled every week to increase the revenue


Attract Visitors with Simple Chat and book their appointment in a breeze.


Dont worry abt Answering phones, Let AI Grow your appointments


Manage Patient Appointments on the Go, Let AI Handle All Clinic appointments.


Grow Patient loyalty with on time sms reminders, No more manual labor.

& Many More....


Appointment Booking Is High In Demand

Real People Are Paying in Thousands To Help Set Up Their Appointment Booking Systems!

With This Brand New AI Version, You could be solving their burning problems in seconds

and get paid buckets of cash in return!


Lets Look At Some More Important Facts


of business owners don’t have an optimized booking system in place!

(*Which means there are millions of biz owners who need help setting up effective booking systems on their site today.)


of people prefer online booking.

(*This is significant compared to only 22% who choose to book by phone and 11% in person.)


of clients use mobile devices to book appointments.

(*16% and 2% are made from desktops and tablets, respectively.)

Don’t Believe Me?

Just open up Google and type in “Dentist” in your local area.

Visit the top 10 websites and see if they have a mobile friendly, optimized booking system that allows you to make an appointment without picking up the phone.

You’ll be SHOCKED how many of them are still living in the dark ages when it comes to booking appointments the hard way!


Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!


8 Critical Reasons To Start Using AppointBee AI

To Boost Local Business Bookings Starting Today!


Solve a burning problem

for local biz owners, without hours of backbreaking work, complicated tools or expensive software!


Diversify your income

with an untapped service that clients desperately need today!


Perfect "foot in the door" service

Win loyal local clients for years to come using this AI Appointment Booking System


Takes seconds to set up

and can charge $500 + per client (or charge a monthly maintenance fee for passive income instead!)


Most affordable and powerful local appointment software

with no monthly fees or sneaky booking fees to you or your clients


Easy "push button" system

to deploy on client's websites in minutes


Plenty of local niche themes

to suit every local business owner needs


Step by step instructions Included

on how to win your first client with AppointBee tonight!


This is one of the easiest service you’ll ever sell to local businesses

(and it’s insanely profitable too!)

Let’s face it, SEO, PPC, web design or social media services can be hard to sell.

Put yourself in your client’s shoes

Would you rather pay for a system that “might” work… but will take months to see results and thousands of dollars to get started

or would you invest $500 to double your appointments, save your secretary hours of work, eliminate back and forth emails

and save thousands on outsourced call centers and expensive monthly booking systems?

It’s a no- brainer!

With AppointBee, you can create fully optimized booking pages for any local biz owner in 5 minutes flat

and easily charge them $500 for it!


Other booking systems will cost you and your client up to $718 per month

That’s why so many local biz owners can’t afford to upgrade their booking system

until you come along and save the day!

With AppointBee AI, you’ll finally be able to upgrade any local biz owner’s booking system to triple their appointments and slash hours of admin time, for a fraction of the price they would have to pay for other 3rd party booking systems.

Install with one click importer that seamlessly matches your client’s existing website

Avoid hours of design and coding and deploy a beautiful mobile friendly booking system for your clients in seconds!

Creating booking pages couldn’t be any easier or quicker than this. Just point, click and profit.

Plus, you’ll save hundreds of dollars on monthly page builders, coders, plugins and other tools.

Now is your chance to get real results and kickstart a profitable business creating appointment-boosting booking pages for local biz owners with the push of a button.


AppointBee AI is easy to use and creates high converting booking pages in less than 5 minutes!

Quick & Easy

Create a mobile-friendly booking system for your client in 5 minutes flat by pushing a few buttons. No hosting, no learning curves, no hidden costs, no hassles.

DFY booking system

Bypass hours of design and coding with ready-to-go AI Powered Booking Systems that look awesome on mobile and desktops and in a variety of colors.

Total Customization

Customize your booking system for each local client, effortlessly matching their colors and style. Just point, click and you’re done!

No freelancers!

Sure, Freelancers could build a booking system for you, but it’s going to eat up your profit margins

Which means...

There’s NOTHING holding you back from making 1000's of dollars per day with AppointBe AI!

Just follow the simple steps in your dashboard to effortlessly integrate a high converting booking system for your client’s website in minutes.

Unlike Other Appointment Booking Tools, There’s…

No complicated Setup

No need to waste hours on systems that dont work

No coding skills required

Spending tons of time on coding doesnt make any sense

No complicated dashboards

Tons of complicated features that no one understands


Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!

Here’s Everything You’re Getting With AppointBee AI Today


Extensive Appointment Settings

Artifical Intelligence powered Appointment Settings- Very Easy to work with


Duplicate Booking Checker

AI Avoids double bookings, manages everything, keeps the calender clean and no overlapping.


Show Working Hours

AI communicates exact working hours, shows available times in official working hours only


Accept Payment Upfront

AI Accepts Payments before booking an appointment, optional feature - you can turn it on and off


Google Calendar Integration

Sync all your AI Appointments with google calender so you can merg Appointbee system with other system if you may have


AI Automatic Email And SMS Reminders

AI Sends Automatic Email and SMS Reminders to Customers to Reduce the No shows


Backend Appointment Calendar & List

Get a bird's eye view on the appointments and lists in the backend dashboard


Build Your Client's Email List

Generate your and your clients lists and push them to autoresponders


Multiple Users For Each Client

Allow multiple users to work on the same AppointBee AI System at one time


Mobile Optimized

AppointBee AI Appointment Booking looks Perfect on each and every Device


Simple Sales Reporting

Sell quiz services to unlimited clients!


Built-In Blogging

Built in blogging to drive more traffic to your website and generate more appointments


Full Training And Support

Full Training on how to sell AI Appointment Booking Services to unlimited clients!


Bonus Training: Win Your First Client Tonight!

Bonus Training on how to close your first apointment booking client tonight

And many more features...

Try Appointbee AI for 30 Days, Risk Free!


We’re 100% convinced you’re going to love how easy you can generate & manage Appointments with AppointBee AI in minutes…

But if you don’t agree, we’re offering you a full 30-day return-policy guarantee!

There’s nothing to lose.


The Most Powerful AI Appointment Booking System You’ll Ever Own!

Choose your license and let’s get started!



  • AI Prevents Double Bookings
  • Create Campaigns
  • Setup Office Working Hours
  • AI Accepts Payment Upfront
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • AI Sends Automatic Email & SMS Reminders
  • Simple Yet Detailed Client Dashboard
  • Build Your Client's Email List
  • Multiple Users For Each Business
  • Extremely Easy To Set Up
  • Export Appointments Data
  • Mobile Optimized
  • Built-In Blogging
  • Advanced Sales Reporting
  • Add & Showcase Multiple Services
  • Extensive Appointment Settings
  • 5 Types of Embed Available
  • Generate Leads
  • Paypal Integration To Accept Payments
  • Integrations (Mailchimp, GetResponse & many more…)
  • Custom AI Chat Placement
Total Value - $297
AppointBee AI Basic





  • AI Prevents Double Bookings
  • Create Campaigns
  • Setup Office Working Hours
  • AI Accepts Payment Upfront
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • AI Sends Automatic Email & SMS Reminders
  • Simple Yet Detailed Client Dashboard
  • Build Your Client's Email List
  • Multiple Users For Each Business
  • Extremely Easy To Set Up
  • Export Appointments Data
  • Mobile Optimized
  • Built-In Blogging
  • Advanced Sales Reporting
  • Add & Showcase Multiple Services
  • Extensive Appointment Settings
  • 5 Types of Embed Available
  • Generate Leads
  • Paypal Integration To Accept Payments
  • Integrations (Mailchimp, GetResponse & many more…)
  • Capture Leads at Any Stage of the Quiz
  • Custom AI Chat Placement
  • Commercial Rights Included
  • Fast-Action Bonuses
  • Quick Start Training Material
Total Value - $497
AppointBee AI Agency


98% of Customers Chose This.
Highly Recommended!

AppointBee AI is the only booking tool you’ll need to help local biz owners triple their appointments

We’ll even show you how to get your first paying client as soon as tonight!

We’ll show you where your dream clients are right now, and exactly how to approach them so it’s almost impossible to refuse your offer.

Follow our steps and word for word examples and you’ll be amazed how easily you can land brand new clients, even if you’re brand new, shy or hate selling!

As you’re about to see, it’s drop dead easy to win clients… and even easier to deliver this in demand, profitable service to them!

Plus, you’ll get our exclusive training to help you turn this into a six figure business!

We’ll show you how to amplify your profits with step by step training on:

  • How to pick the right businesses to sell your service for more profitability - choose the right type of clients and watch your profits soar, without any extra work!

  • Price your services correctly - earn more money with our perfect “sweet spot” pricing that won’t scare away clients or raise doubts in their minds

  • How to make the process run smoothly - so your clients are happy and you avoid conflicts from day one

  • How to scale your profits with freelancers - we’ll show you where to find the best workers, how to hire them properly, how to manage them easily, and how to turn this service into a passive income system from day one


This is your ONLY chance to get AppointBee AI at the lowest price possible!

We’re running a special launch only discount which will be ending any moment! Grab this now and start collecting easy paychecks, before it’s too late.

Can you afford to loose this Incredible Deal?

I Bet You Cant!!


Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!

No Hidden Costs, Ever!

Local biz owners will always need to book appointments with their customers, so this is a valuable service that will always be in demand

which makes this a totally evergreen business that can keep stuffing cash in your pocket for years to come!

Invest in AppointBee AI today to instantly help local biz owners simplify their bookings, triple their appointments and stop burning cash on call centers or overpriced software!

Invest in ApointBee AI right now and instantly unlock these limited time bonuses today!

Bonus 1: DFY Facebook Ads to Get More Clients (Value $297)

Use this DFY High-Quality Niches FB Ads created by our designers in Hot Local Niches to Help Local Businesses Start their new Business and Skyrocket it using AppointBee Services by Maximizing Appointments

Bonus 2 - QR Code for Hassle Free Appointment booking (Value $197)

Use this module to Turn Your appointment Booking Webpage into a QR Code, So People Visiting a Local Business or reading Broucher of Local Business can easily Book appointments by scanning and Visiting the Booking Website

Bonus 3 - Client Closing PPT Presentation (Value $297)

A PowerPoint presentation filled with stats and reasons researched by our expert team to help you put across your Appointment Booking service to clients in a professional way and close the Deals faster

Bonus 4 - AppointBee Graphics Pack - Value $247

Use this Graphics Pack to Start Marketing your Appointment System Services and Close More Local Biz Clients starting Today!

Bonus 5 - AppointBee DFY Logos in High Paying Niches - Value $347

Use this DFY High-Quality Niches in Hot Local Niches to Help Local Businesses Start their new Business and Skyrocket it using AppointBee Services by Maximizing Appointments

Bonus 6 - Training Webinar To Get 10X Profit from AppointBee - Value $997

Exclusive Training Webinar Invite to Learn how to Find Clients, Convince them and Close them for a monthly Recurring Fees Selling Appointment Booking System or Services.

Bonus 7 - DFY Brochure To Land Local Businesses as Clients (Value $197)

Want to Close Local Clients Faster than Ever, Use this DFY Brochure. Just change some info, Print, and Distribute.

Easy way to Attract Local Businesses for trying out your new Service - Appointment Booking

What Others Say About Us

Our more than 50% bookings come through AppointBee

"Although I was highly active on social media and get good no of visitors on my website, I struggled to generate new appointments. Seems like people donʼt want to dial a simple number, jeez.

AppointBee solved this for me. Now they dont need to dial in, They can see my Calender and book an appointment with me as per their convenience. I recommend this to every local business."


Jacinta P

Running Home Services business

I changed to AppointBee from other booking system

" I was generating bookings for my food business with my old booking system, but it was not quite enough to grow my business. When I consulted one of IT friends, he said my website is loosing mobile traffic due to faulty design.

I chose AppointBee because its design is mobile friendly, I now get more no. of bookings than the previous booking system which probably caused lot of damage than good. Plus when I learned about the Price, it was a no brainer."


Andrew F

Cooked Meats

AppointBee AI Is Fully Supported And Will Work Forever!


We stand by our products and have dedicated tech support and dev teams working around the clock to keep AppointBee working smoothly and getting even more powerful with new tweaks and additions.

Use Coupon 'AIBEE2' to Get $2 Off

Get AppointBee AI For Just A One-Time Payment!

No Monthly Fees, Comercial License Included!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Have to Pay a Monthly Subscription?

No! Not at all. No Subscription or Monthly Fees. If you invest in AppointBee AI today you get career access to the platform for an incredibly low one-time-only price.

If I have any questions about AppointBee AI, is there any support address or person I can contact?

Yes, You will get full-time support at https://engageleads.zendesk.com/. We will reply back all your queries ASAP.

Do I Need Any Technical Skills or Experience to Use AppointBee?

AppointBee is as “newbie friendly” as it gets and we have included step-by-step training and tutorial videos inside the members' area to help you to get your profitable Appointment Agency/Services for Local Businesses up and running quickly and easily.

Do you offer A Guarantee/Support/Training?

AppointBee is backed up by our 100% Satisfaction guarantee and gets a full 30 days to download and test out if it suits your requirements best. You will get support at our helpdesk. Although AppointBee is designed for any newbie, it is also supported by step-by-step Video, Knowledge base Documents, and a PDF Guide. All these are included at literally no cost at all.

Is AppointBee Mobile friendly?

Yes, AppointBee is completely laptop/PC/mobile friendly.

Can I Install AppointBee AI on my Client's website?

Yes, with InBuilt Commercial License, you can install it on your client's website or sell it as a service for aone-time or Recurring price.

Who owns the data/content/subscribers?

You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. AppointBee does not have any rights or permission to use that content or contact any of your users for any reason at all. AppointBee is just a tool for YOU to Deliver YOUR Appointment Services!

Is there any money-back guarantee?

Yes! We are offering a 30-day money-back guarantee - no hassles, no questions.

Can I integrate it with any WordPress or my client’s existing site?

Yes, AppointBee is a WordPress Theme and Plugin. You can install it as a plugin on your client’s WordPress theme or add a one-page appointment module to any site’s navigation bar by using our easy-to-follow tutorials.

How many sites can I install AppointBee on?

As many as you wish, with appointBee unlimited, you can install it on as many websites as you want. Be it on your own or your client’s website.